
A Warm Welcome to all at Sovereign Harbour

Harbour Friends is a friendly social group, which is predominantly for residents of Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne.

The aim of the groupĀ is to promote and foster friendship amongst harbour residents and to organise social events and trips for the enjoyment of its members.

We meet every Wednesday evening between 7.30pm and 10.30pm in the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club.

Since our formation in 2005 we’ve enjoyed a bewildering array of events, including trips within the UK and overseas, plus Quizzes, Bingo, Beetle Drives, TV Game Show Nights, BBQs, Dinner Dances, Group Meals, Greyhound and Horse Racing, Treasure Hunts, Croquet, Camping, Canoeing, Bowls, Pub Skittles, Tenpin Bowling, Stately Home Visits, Theatre Visits and many more, not forgetting our annual Christmas party.

Our Events Page gives an overview of some of the events we’ve run in recent years. You can also find updates of our past and future activities on the Waterlines website.

Why not Join Us?
We are very aware that making friends can be extremely difficult when you retire, divorce or move to a new area. Why not arrange to meet with us, by using the form on the Contact Us page. Everyone is more than happy to welcome you to join them and that is all it takes to start a new and exciting chapter of your life.

Go on why not give it a try. You have nothing to lose and plenty to gain. We look forward to the possibility of seeing you soon. Please note that membership is currently being restricted to persons that reside in a BN23 5?? postcode.

Harbour Friends